Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, I have submitted my application for graduation which means that my dream of being done university is finally drawing nearer! Though I will be finished my own education I don't think I will ever really feel like I am done, since now my responsibility is the education of others!

With graduation also comes a grad dress (yay!) and I have been thinking about what I will be looking for. I want something black and cocktail-like, far from the purple princess number I wore to my high school grad.

On that note, here is a little polyvore of my dream outfit along with some things that remind me of the past 2 years of teaching....


  1. The 8 year old inside of me is SCREAMING for a pink princess pouffy froufrou cupcake bedazzled concoction for grad...someone shut that bitch up!

    I haven't even thought about my dress...k lies...there's one in DVF's resort 2010 collection I wantwantwant (needneedneed) and it's like $700, which for a grad dress is pretty good right?! I mean...girls in high school spend like 500-600$ on those shiteous rhinestone/taffeta/corseted mermaid dresses...and since my high school grad dress cost about....uh....20$..........I DESERVE IT!

    P.S: It would be so bad ass if you wore studded heels to grad. COOLEST TEACHER EVER
